Yes and no.
Although never intended to be The End, a closing post was made on October 10, 2013. Since then, the blog has been sitting here, in limbo, but never quite dormant. It sort of lives on.
Stork Bites Man may or may not get updated, appended, relocated, or deleted. And you never know, posts may start showing up again, but for now, it will just be here. An archive of a particular time.
If you have any thoughts or memories to share, or have an interest in Stork Bites Man t-shirts, please get in touch.
Thanks for visiting.
Man with Four Children
Man with Four Children by Gustav Vigeland. More here.
Tagged: Art, Awesome, Dads, Places To Go, Siblings
Henrik Nygren's ABC
Designed/made by Henrik Nygren.
Box of letters for tuss (The Ultimate Simple Solution), 2005. Hand-built wooden box in 29 numbered copies, containing 290 letterpress letter cards and 110 punctuation cards.
Tagged: Stuff
Down home – father & Down home - son
Ricky Swallow
May 23–June 20, 2009
Darren Knight Gallery, Syndey
Tagged: Art, Etc., Friends, Things To Do
South Park Quality Meats
Seven year old Enzo's meat research found a temporary, public home in San Diego. The small installation included salamis, different cuts of meat, sausages, frankfurters, hams, a leg of lamb, a tongue, tripe, one goat and two pigs heads, and a side of beef. A few are his sister's designs and many of the cured meats were hand labeled by Enzo. Enzo and his folks are looking for a new location to install South Park Quality Meats.
Previously: Enzo's Meat Research
Working Big
Download PDF at Public Collectors.
"Children who have the opportunity to work together with large-scale materials are more likely to have meaningful, in-depth experiences than those whose background has been restricted to participation in small-scale classroom activities. ...A school should recognize that (such projects are) not only a logical extension of the classroom curriculum but also a way that students can become involved with art forms that are relevant to the world they live in."
John Lidstone and Clarence Bunch
Working Big: A Teacher's Guide to Environmental Sculpture
1975, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
Take me with you
Elsa packed herself in my suitcase for Italy. She was a brave and cheerful girl while I was away for two weeks. Since I've been back we've had some really nice conversations.
Tagged: Awesome, Dads, Elsa, Places To Go
"Everyday Life"
The Everyday Life Objects Shop has closed for business. Some photos from Milan and new posts coming soon. I am going to take a few (more) days off from blogging.
Tagged: Shops
Everyday Life
While I was in Milan, Italy for two weeks — playing shopkeeper, drinking prosecco, partying with furniture designers and eating prosciutto — my beautiful wife stayed home with our girls (3.5 and eight months) and handled it all gracefully:
ear infection
stomach flu
projectile vomiting on Mom (five times)
projectile pooping
projectile peeing on Mom (three times)
bed wetting
floor wetting
yeasty diaper rash infections
90°+ heat wave
broken air conditioning in car
6 hour NYC to Philly traffic jam
3 hour delay at NJTP rest stop
massive migraines