Challenger — 1/28/86

I remember this like it was yesterday. I was nine years old, in Mrs Faling's fourth-grade class. It was the year I wrote the love note that was intercepted and read in front of the entire class; the year I won the city-wide spelling bee; the year I was a "millionaire monster" for Halloween; the year I got real nerdy. We all knew about the shuttle launch because the teacher was on board. Right before lunch, we were told the news of the explosion and from the first row, Keith P. said... "awesome". Our teacher wasn't happy. Ten minutes later, our student teacher rolled in the TV cart and while Mrs Faling was out of the room, we watched and he told us that it was in fact kind of an "awesome" event. Then he explained what the word meant. He always leaned on the podium almost bent in half. It seemed like he was always tired. I think he was even a little bit mean, but he tried to turn everything into an opportunity to teach something.

Six of my favorite books

Ox-Cart Man
Donald Hall (1979)

Buy-em-now: eBay

Previously: Five of my Favorite Books

By/about Shel Silverstein (1972)

"They sold poorly" —

"These Cubismo blocks were commissioned by the magazine as part of a series featuring toys designed by American artists. My idea was to produce a cube made up of 64 plastic blocks. Each plane of sixteen blocks contained a different design motif. Most of the blocks were designed so that, placed together, they produced a variety of continuing patterns. The educational premise was to expose the child to the idea of producing a series of changeable images without a naturalistic framework. They sold poorly." —Milton Glaser

Above: I ♥ MoMA Cube Puzzle on daddytypes (almost four years ago!)


"It's okay if it's blurry; they are running fast."

Sean (1970) Directed by Ralph Arlyck.


FSC look book:

Photos by Tim Barber. Almost as good as early FYM.