Stills from Versions by Oliver Laric.
There was an outfielder on that team named Hank Thompson. Bobby Thomson was white and Hank Thompson was black. I asked my father if they were brothers. He laughed and said: “No. You know how you can tell they’re not brothers?”
I said I didn’t. He said, “Hank Thompson spells his last name t-h-o-m-p-s-o-n. Bobby Thomson doesn’t have a ‘p’ in his last name. If they were brothers they would spell their names the same.”
It was years before I realized what a terrific thing that was to say to a kid.
From "A Hero Named Bobby" by Bob Herbert (NY Times via Ryan).
Yes and no.
Although never intended to be The End, a closing post was made on October 10, 2013. Since then, the blog has been sitting here, in limbo, but never quite dormant. It sort of lives on.
Stork Bites Man may or may not get updated, appended, relocated, or deleted. And you never know, posts may start showing up again, but for now, it will just be here. An archive of a particular time.
If you have any thoughts or memories to share, or have an interest in Stork Bites Man t-shirts, please get in touch.
Thanks for visiting.