Design your own Muppet: $90 at FAO.com

Classic Sesame Street: Weird 1–18


Part of the invitation for birthday party for Ruby (2), Elsa (3) and Sadie (4). We're making pumpkin cupcakes and a piñata today for tomorrow's party. Last RSVP count: 65 kids!

PARTY UPDATE #1: On the way to the party, Elsa refused french fries and said her head hurt. (I thought it was the cupcake and spoonful of frosting talking.) Ten minutes after arriving at her own party, I was cleaning Elsa's barf off the floor. All her friends are going wild with the Rock School DJs and she's home sleeping if off. :(

POST-PARTY UPDATE #1: Elsa slept it off for an hour then we headed back to see her friends at party central. She worked on a donut and stayed close to me on the dance floor. An hour later she was running and chasing and partying like it was her birthday. We got cleaned up, packed up and back home before Game 4 traffic made me sick. Before we got in the door, I could feel Elsa burning up and she was asking for her pajamas. Ten minutes later she was asleep in my arms on the sofa. An hour later I was cleaning apple cider barf off the living room floor. Now, after bath and Tylenol, cuddled on Mom's lap watching penguins dance.

Illustrated by Richard Rosenblum

A nice find on Book By Its Cover. The Bright Child’s All American College Coloring Book — illustrated by Richard Rosenblum. Julia bought this one but left behind (!?) four other copies of this beauty. According to one of the commenters on BBIC, Rosenblum was "a high school classmate of Maurice Sendak’s and wrote and illustrated lots of books including Brooklyn Dodger Days, Tugboats, My Bar Mitzvah, and The Golden Age of Aviation."

What's that? That's the sound of everyone googling, eBaying, and searching abebooks for Richard Rosenblum.

via Book By Its Cover

Three Years Old




Dog Stool
Designed by COMPANY
Made by Linta-Kalle, Pitkäjärvi Finland.
Plastic, Fur (artificial), Leather

73 EUR
Designed by COMPANY
Made by Tam-Silk, Kangasala, Finland.
Sizes: 100–130 cm