Self-guided Interview

Original here via @hermanmiller

"I painted it for my son"

"Can you imagine me painting a nude?! I painted it for my son Tom, I love to paint. I did not know Sandra took my picture. The angle makes the nude ALL legs — She has flowing red hair." July 28, 1970

Photo found by elizabeth_huey (via instagram)

Brotherly Love —

Predicting (or imagining) the future is the realm of the ideal. It can inform your present for sure, but you’ll spin your wheels endlessly if you spend too much time with those thoughts (I should take my own advice here). Mucking about in your past, revising its notable events, can seem equally fruitless...

Read: Philadelphia, PA by Your old pal, Jim


David Korty, 2010
Orange Van

Photo: Karl Puchlik, courtesy Kohn Gallery and the artist